Taking into account it is very hard to sum up prophecies that cover decades of end time into 90 minutes or so, the movie is very well done. Excellent performance by all the key actors. The battle scenes at Megiddo look like the movie came from one of the top regular studios. Could it have been done better? Yes. Could it have been done better at this length? That would be harder.
'Sentiment: Negative âšī¸'
Normally religious movies turn me off instantly, but I didn't know what this was when I bought it, yes I was impulsive. I wasn't expecting this kind of movie when I watched it, and once I realized it was religiously charged I nearly turned the player off. i was quickly entranced by the look and feel of this movie! The acting, even Micheal Biehn, was too exaggerated in spots, but the other elements of this movie made it watchable! Furthermore, to say it's kind of predictable or obvious is odd considering the source, I'm not a Biblical person but I knew the events, and to rate this movie above PG is kind of outrageous; the Bible itself is full of more graphically disturbing images than this movie!
'Sentiment: Positive đ'
Michael Biehn shines once again in this Christian themed thriller. Far better than the original, Megiddo: Omega Code 2 is a must see for any viewer intrigued by armageddon or just enjoy a good thriller. I can't wait for the DVD release on 2/27/2002!